Happy Voices from BFS Gold Members of the 2nd Evaluation in 2022

We are excited to share the HAPPY Voices from our BFS Gold Members!

If you become a BE FORWARD SUPPORTERS Gold Member or Silver Member, you can enjoy more privileges. Some of the benefits you can get as a Gold Member are exclusive marketing materials and a Certificate issued officially by BE FORWARD.

The Certificate and Gold Membership stickers can be used to advertise yourself more as proof of high performance recognized by BE FORWARD.

BE FORWARD honors those Supporters who consistently maintain the volume of their referrals and reward. The additional criteria for the upgrade of membership are a high Close Rate (Percentage of a successful referral out of issued Proforma Invoices).

The BFS who were upgraded to Gold membership on the 2nd Grading Period of 2022 (Grading Period: July 1 to Dec 31, 2022), who have already received their Certificate, Polo-shirt and limited edition of stickers sent us their testimonials, which we are excited to share with you!

BFS ID 1403222, Dumisani Ngandu from Zambia

“Thank you very much Beforward Team for considering me for Gold membership. I received my Gold member parcels in good condition. Attached here is my pic with the parcels I received.”

BFS ID 1399756, Ndawa James Kapembwa from Zambia

“I received the certificate thanks a lot. I believe this motivation will attract more clients.”

BFS ID 1984160, Last Mukomawasha from Zimbabwe

“Thank you so much for this award. It’s an honor for me and l am so grateful thank you so much. It’s a wonderful experience to know that l am officially upgraded. As for my BFS CERTIFICATE l will display it in my office where all my clients can see it and as for the polo T-Shirt l will use one for myself as a way of advertising, l will give the other one to one of my clients so that we spread the good news about BE FORWARD.”

BFS ID 327689, Godwine Tienga from Zimbabwe

“Thank you so much Beforward Japan, received my Gold Membership Certificate and T-shirts. I’m happy to be a Beforward Supporter member. Woow woow woow!”

BFS ID 492094, Joseph Chinosema from Zimbabwe

“I would like to express my appreciation to be part of the Beforward Supporters. It feels amazing to be a Gold member and enjoying all the benefits, especially the discounts we get as Gold members it is unbelievable. I will continue referring my friends and family to the Beforward website, moreover trying my best to maintain the Gold membership. Thank you once again, l will forever be a Beforward supporter. Forward ever and backward never!! Beforward is the best among all.”

BFS ID 1740903, Kudzanai Zengwa from Zimbabwe

“I would like to thank you BE FORWARD giving me this opportunity to have a gift from you and the Gold membership sticker. I am grateful and looking forward to working with you again.”

BFS ID 1820567, Donaldo Antonio Babum from Mozambique

“Muito Obrigado beforward.jp por esta categoria.”

BFS ID 1221639, Visible Car Deals from Zimbabwe

BFS ID 652342, Enock Simumba from Zambia

BFS ID 1728547, Them Maguk Pan Ajang (MT for General Trading Co Ltd) from South Sudan

We are excited to share you the HAPPY Voices from our BFS Gold Members!

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