Increase your reward, time to earn even more as a BF SUPPORTERS!

Good Morning everyone! We are pleased to announce the new reward amounts for the BF SUPPORTERS.  Our BFS SUPPORTERS have been doing an amazing job selling BE FORWARD vehicles. So good that as a matter of fact, we decided to change the payment and reward system to offer our SUPPORTERS more ways to earn rewards. It is settled a Basic rate, Plus Extra reward based on the FOB price of the vehicle not on the Registration year as used to be, Plus Extra reward if you sell a vehicle using City delivery! For a better understanding we suggest you to take a look on the Supporters website. Example: Based on the … Read more

How to use – Wish List / Notify Me

Hello everyone how are you today? On this post we will teach you how to customize your experience on BE FORWARD web site , make use of the tools available on the web site, will make your search easier and fast! Search   Our searcher is a very user friendly tool, where you can easily select what you are looking for. Select the Manufacturer, Model, or Even Body type, Mileage, Manufacture year, etc… Search what you want it is easy if you just pay attention on what are you seen, however there is one very useful tool that most of SUPPORTER doesn’t really make full use of it. WISH LIST Receive … Read more

New May Cash Back Reward

May Campaign has started! Supporters program has been increasing along the past months. Even with a consider number of Supporter we still have a high percentage of Individual not really using all the tool we have available. We recommend, everyone to surf through the Dashboard check the Marketing Materials, update payment Information, it is a whole platform created especially for you. This month Bonus will be $500 for the 1st place, $300 2nd place and $100 3rd place! We have one more announce to make! Due the success of BE FORWARD SUPPORTERS We are going to make some changes on the Reward system! Stay tuned in our Blog!

Successful Stories – Mr. Tinashe Siziva

May I introduce to you Mr Tinashe Siziva a BF Supporter, Designer who also run an Internet Cafe in Karoi City, Zimbabwe. Tinashe was the 3rd place bonus winner form December/January campaign of BF Supporters. Q. What is your background before staring internet café business? A. My background, I was born in a low class family when I was in grade 6 my father died then I proceed with my education when I finished, I could not be able to go further to lack of financial support and I stopped there but with passion of aiming great heights I started to use the available resources and I was home taught on … Read more

Getting on Marketing!

Hello SUPPORTERS how are you today? This post I will talk about one of the most important steps for you create your Successful Business. How advertise your name and BFS ID using the marketing materials available for you on your Dashboard. By simply clicking on the pictures you will download the selected file: Flyers, Poster in different sizes, Vehicle Catalog, Educational Posters, Business Card and much more. The most attractive feature on the Materials it’s all customized with your information, Name, Telephone Number, Email address and the most important your BFS ID. *NOTE (To have all information displayed on the marketing materials, please complete all the personal and payment information). … Read more


The official blog site for BE FORWARD SUPPORTERS has been established. A variety of the useful information will be shared in this site for BE FORWARD SUPPORTERS. The articles are divided into different categories, so you can easily find the topics you are interested in such as: BE FORWARD News Offers and Incentives for BF SUPPORTERS Tips for earning Featured BF SUPPORTERS We are looking forward to providing more valuable information to BE FORWARD SUPPORTERS and sharing ideas with. Administrators for BE FORWARD SUPPORTER’S Program